Belgian Shepherd Dog Association of Great Britain
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Belgian Shepherd Rescue
We are a small breed rescue organisation that exists solely to help Belgian Shepherd Dogs and their owners, and therefore we can only help with pedigree dogs; the call on our small resources is already considerable and would be totally insufficient to help the many crossbreeds we hear about.
We are always looking for volunteers to help with Belgian Shepherd Rescue. If you can offer help with home checks, dog assessments, transport, the temporary fostering of a Belgian, please contact our Rescue Co-ordinator, Pam Jameson: tel 01527 277142, email pam.jameson@gmx.co.uk
Re-homing a Belgian Shepherd
We endeavour to keep these pages up to date and dogs that you see here should still be available for re-homing. Please contact our Rescue Co-ordinator for an update.
Bear in mind that the Belgian Shepherd is an active, demanding breed. Dogs are referred to us for a variety of reasons, ranging from marriage break-ups, bereavement and changes in personal circumstances. Some dogs, but by no means all, may come with their own problems, lack of socialisation at an early age is typical; some may not be suitable where there are very young children. These dogs will need knowledgeable homes with new owners who are prepared to give their new dog time to adjust, who will be patient and understanding, and maybe partake in some training for their Belgian. If you make an enquiry you will be asked to give some information about your circumstances: work, family, other household pets, your ability to exercise. We will also want to conduct a home check, giving the opportunity for you to discuss in depth the care of a Belgian with an experienced BSD owner. If we successfully home a dog with you, we ask for a donation to the service. This is our only means of income; without it we could not continue the work of re-homing.
If it becomes necessary to give up your Belgian: please contact our Rescue Co-ordinator to discuss. The more information you can give, the better chance we have of finding the right home. We will arrange for an experienced Belgian Shepherd owner to visit you and your dog and assess the dog's temperament. We prefer to leave the dog in its home until a new owner has been found; it causes far less trauma for the dog. If it becomes absolutely necessary, we will find a temporary foster home.